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C360 Health

C360 Health - Companion60 Extra Strength - B/B 19 Jan 2025

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C360 Health

C360 Health - Companion60 Extra Strength - B/B 19 Jan 2025

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Special Price €66,99 Regular Price €95,70

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Biohack your pets with Companion60 - The ultimate anti-inflammatory support for dogs and horses. 

  • Contains Carbon60 (C60) fullerenes, one of the safest and most potent anti-inflammatory compounds, which is 270 times stronger than Vitamin C.
  • Helps to detoxify the body and reduce inflammation.
  • Supports healthy joints, immunity and the overall health and wellbeing of your dogs and horses.



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C360 Health - Companion60 Extra Strength - B/B 19 Jan 2025

Detailed product information

Introducing Companion60 - Extra Strength: the ultimate supplement for your beloved furry friends! If you're a proud owner of a dog or horse, you know that taking care of their health is your top priority. But did you know that inflammation can wreak havoc on your pet's well-being? Don't worry, though, because C360 health has got your back - or rather, your furry friend's back.

Inflammation is a natural response to injury or infection, but when it becomes chronic, it can lead to a host of health problems. For example, it can cause joint pain, stiffness, and swelling, which can severely impact your pet's mobility and overall quality of life.

According to some estimates, one in five dogs (20%) experience joint issues in their lifetimes, resulting in pain and possible mobility challenges. [1][2] And, approximately 60% of horse lameness are related to osteoarthritis which is often associated with loss of performance and early retirement from athletic careers in many equine sports. [3]

But here's the good news: Companion60 - Extra Strength is here to help. Their supplement contains three key ingredients that work together to reduce inflammation and promote overall health: Lipofullerine, Serratiopeptidase, and Carnosine.

Lipofullerine is a powerful antioxidant that helps to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to reduce joint pain and inflammation. Serratiopeptidase is a natural enzyme that breaks down proteins, including those that contribute to inflammation. This can help to reduce pain, swelling, and stiffness in your pet's joints. Finally, Carnosine is an amino acid that has been shown to improve muscle function and reduce inflammation.

But don't just take our word for it - the results speak for themselves. In a recent study, the researcher suggest buckminsterfullerenes (or lipofullerenes) can help protect against liver damage, reduce inflammation in the brain, and improve cardiovascular function in dogs. [4] And, although there is limited research on the use of buckminsterfullerene (C60) specifically for horses, there are some studies on the potential benefits of C60 in general for animals, including horses. A recent 2021 study [5] investigated the potential longevity and health benefits of C60 fullerenes in mice. The study found that mice treated with C60 fullerenes had a longer lifespan and improved health compared to the control group. The researchers suggested that C60 fullerenes can function as a powerful antioxidant and have the potential to improve lifespan and overall health in mammals.

So, if you want to help your furry friend live their best life, try Companion60 - Extra Strength. With its powerful blend of ingredients and proven results, it's the ultimate supplement for dogs and horses who need a little extra support. Your pet will thank you!

C360 recommends to administer a starting dose of Companion60 orally each morning for 10 consecutive days, then continue with a daily maintenance dose. For best result, store product upside down. Before use, shake product until there is no sediment around the top of the bottle.

6 teaspoons (tsp) = 1 fluid ounce (oz)

Recommended starting dose for dogs

  • Up to 20 lbs = Dose of 0.50 tsp
  • 20 - 40 lbs = Dose of 1.00 tsp
  • 40 - 60 lbs = Dose of 1.50 tsp
  • 60 - 80 lbs = Dose of 2.00 tsp
  • 80 - 100+ lbs = Dose of 3.00 tsp


Recommended starting dose for horses

  • Up to 550 lbs = Dose of 0.50 oz
  • 550 - 1100 lbs = Dose of 1.00 oz
  • 1100 - 1500 lbs = Dose of 1.50 oz
  • 1501+ lbs = Dose of 2.00 oz



[1] Osteoarthritis. Joint anatomy, physiology, and pathobiology.
[2] Mobility Matters
[3] Osteoarthritis: a common disease that should be avoided in the athletic horse’s life.
[4] Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of liposoluble C60 at the cellular, molecular, and whole-animal levels.
[5] Effect of long-term treatment with C60 Fullerenes on the lifespan and health status of CBA/Ca mice.

Companion60 supplement voor honden en paarden

Companion60 resulteert in een toename van vitaliteit, energie en mobiliteit. Companion60 is een gewrichtsformule die pijn kan verlichten, pijnen van gewonde gewrichten het is ontworpen om de schade van een cellulair niveau te herstellen. Ons product bevat een assortiment ingrediënten die antioxiderende eigenschappen vertonen die 270 keer sterker zijn dan vitamine C elimineren littekenweefsel en rehabiliteren gewond weefsel.

Companion60 Ergänzung für Hunde und Pferde

Companion60 führt zu einer Steigerung von Vitalität, Energie und Mobilität. Companion60 ist eine Gelenkformel, die schmerzende verletzte Gelenke lindern kann, um die Schäden auf zellulärer Ebene zu reparieren. Unser Produkt enthält eine Auswahl an Inhaltsstoffen, die antioxidative Eigenschaften aufweisen, die 270-mal stärker sind als Vitamin C, Narbengewebe beseitigen und verletztes Gewebe rehabilitieren.

Supplément Companion60 pour chiens et chevaux

Companion60 se traduit par une augmentation de la vitalité, de l’énergie et de la mobilité. Companion60 est une formule articulaire qui peut soulager les douleurs, les douleurs des articulations blessées, elle est conçue pour réparer les dommages d’un niveau cellulaire. Notre produit contient un assortiment d’ingrédients qui présentent des propriétés antioxydantes 270 fois plus fortes que la vitamine C, éliminent le tissu cicatriciel et réhabilitent les tissus blessés.

Suplemento Companion60 para Perros y Caballos

Companion60 da como resultado un aumento de la vitalidad, la energía y la movilidad. Companion60 es una fórmula articular que puede aliviar en dolores, dolores de articulaciones lesionadas está diseñada para reparar el daño de un nivel celular. Nuestro producto contiene una variedad de ingredientes que exhiben propiedades antioxidantes 270 veces más fuertes que la vitamina C, eliminan el tejido cicatricial y rehabilitan el tejido lesionado.

Supplemento Companion60 per Cani e Cavalli

Companion60 si traduce in un aumento della vitalità, dell'energia e della mobilità. Companion60 è una formula articolare che può alleviare in dolori, dolori di articolazioni ferite è progettato per riparare il danno di un livello cellulare. Il nostro prodotto contiene un assortimento di ingredienti che presentano proprietà antiossidanti 270 volte più forti della vitamina C, eliminano il tessuto cicatriziale e riabilitano i tessuti danneggiati.

Recommended dose: Administer a starting dose of Companion60 orally each morning for 10 consecutive days, then continue with a daily maintenance dose. For best result, store product upside down. Before use, shake product until there is no sediment around the top of the bottle.

Storage: Store product upside down. Before use, shake product until there is no sediment around the top of the bottle, so one can see if the product needs to be shaken more.

Cautions: Safe use in pregnant animals has not been proven. If animal’s condition worsens or does not improve, stop product administration and consult your veterinarian.

Keep out of reach of children and pets to avoid unwanted consumption. In case of emergency, contact a health professional immediately
Do not exceed recommended dose.
This product is a food supplement and should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet and/or healthy lifestyle

Aanbevolen dosis: Voor gebruik bij honden en paarden, een startdosis Companion60 eenmaal daags gedurende 10 opeenvolgende dagen oraal toedienen. Ga dan verder met een dagelijkse onderhoudsdosis. Beste resultaten in AM doen. Indien toegediend met voedsel, gebruik maken van de volledige dosis wordt geconsumeerd binnen 15 minuten. Zo niet, dien dan een dosis toe met een spuit.

Opslag: Bewaar product ondersteboven. Schud het product voor gebruik totdat er geen sediment rond de bovenkant van de fles zit, zodat men kan zien of het product meer moet worden geschud.

Waarschuwingen: Veilig gebruik bij drachtige dieren is niet bewezen. Als de toestand van het dier verslechtert of niet verbetert, stop dan met de toediening van het product en raadpleeg uw dierenarts.

Buiten het bereik van kinderen en huisdieren houden om ongewenste consumptie te voorkomen. Neem in geval van nood onmiddellijk contact op met een gezondheidswerker
De aanbevolen dosis niet overschrijden.
Dit product is een voedingssupplement en mag niet worden gebruikt als vervanging voor een gevarieerde voeding en/of gezonde levensstijl

Empfohlene Dosis: Zur Anwendung bei Hunden und Pferden eine Anfangsdosis von Companion60 oral einmal täglich an 10 aufeinanderfolgenden Tagen verabreichen. Fahren Sie dann mit einer täglichen Erhaltungsdosis fort. Beste Ergebnisse bei AM-Doing. Wenn es mit Nahrung verabreicht wird, verwenden Sie die volle Dosis wird innerhalb von 15 Minuten konsumiert. Wenn nicht, verabreichen Sie die Dosis mit einer Spritze.

Lagerung: Produkt kopfüber lagern. Schütteln Sie das Produkt vor dem Gebrauch, bis sich kein Sediment um die Oberseite der Flasche befindet, damit Sie sehen können, ob das Produkt mehr geschüttelt werden muss.

Achtung: Die sichere Anwendung bei trächtigen Tieren ist nicht erwiesen. Wenn sich der Zustand des Tieres verschlechtert oder nicht verbessert, beenden Sie die Produktverabreichung und konsultieren Sie Ihren Tierarzt.

Außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern und Haustieren aufbewahren, um unerwünschten Konsum zu vermeiden.
Wenden Sie sich im Notfall sofort an einen Arzt
Überschreiten Sie nicht die empfohlene Dosis.
Dieses Produkt ist ein Nahrungsergänzungsmittel und sollte nicht als Ersatz für eine abwechslungsreiche Ernährung und / oder einen gesunden Lebensstil verwendet werden

Dose recommandée: Pour une utilisation chez les chiens et les chevaux, administrer une dose initiale de Companion60 par voie orale une fois par jour pendant 10 jours consécutifs. Ensuite, continuez avec une dose d’entretien quotidienne. Meilleurs résultats en AM doing. S’il est administré avec de la nourriture, utiliser la dose complète est consommée dans les 15 minutes. Si ce n’est pas le cas, administrer la dose avec une seringue.

Stockage: Conservez le produit à l’envers. Avant utilisation, secouez le produit jusqu’à ce qu’il n’y ait pas de sédiments autour du haut de la bouteille, afin que l’on puisse voir si le produit doit être secoué davantage.

Avertissements: L’utilisation sûre chez les animaux gravides n’a pas été prouvée. Si l’état de l’animal s’aggrave ou ne s’améliore pas, arrêtez l’administration du produit et consultez votre vétérinaire.

Tenir hors de portée des enfants et des animaux domestiques pour éviter toute consommation indésirable. En cas d’urgence, contactez immédiatement un professionnel de la santé

Ne pas dépasser la dose recommandée.
Ce produit est un complément alimentaire et ne doit pas être utilisé comme substitut à une alimentation variée et / ou à un mode de vie sain

Dosis recomendada: Para su uso en perros y caballos, administrar una dosis inicial de Companion60 por vía oral una vez al día durante 10 días consecutivos. Luego continúe con una dosis de mantenimiento diaria. Mejores resultados en AM haciendo. Si se administra con alimentos, hacer uso de la dosis completa que se consume dentro de los 15 minutos. De lo contrario, administre la dosis con una jeringa.

Almacenamiento: Almacene el producto boca abajo. Antes de su uso, agite el producto hasta que no haya sedimento alrededor de la parte superior de la botella, para que uno pueda ver si el producto necesita ser agitado más.

Precauciones: No se ha demostrado el uso seguro en animales preñados. Si la condición del animal empeora o no mejora, suspenda la administración del producto y consulte a su veterinario

Mantener fuera del alcance de niños y mascotas para evitar el consumo no deseado. En caso de emergencia, comuníquese con un profesional de la salud de inmediato
No exceda la dosis recomendada.
Este producto es un complemento alimenticio y no debe utilizarse como sustituto de una dieta variada y/o un estilo de vida saludable

Dose raccomandata: Per l'uso in Cani e Cavalli, somministrare una dose iniziale di Companion60 per via orale una volta al giorno per 10 giorni consecutivi. Quindi continuare con una dose di mantenimento giornaliera. I migliori risultati in AM fare. Se somministrato con il cibo, fare uso dose completa viene consumato entro 15 minuti. In caso contrario, somministrare la dose con una siringa.

Conservazione: Conservare il prodotto a testa in giù. Prima dell'uso, agitare il prodotto fino a quando non ci sono sedimenti intorno alla parte superiore della bottiglia, in modo da poter vedere se il prodotto deve essere scosso di più.

Avvertenze: L'uso sicuro in animali in gravidanza non è stato dimostrato. Se le condizioni dell'animale peggiorano o non migliorano, interrompere la somministrazione del prodotto e consultare il veterinario.

Tenere fuori dalla portata di bambini e animali domestici per evitare consumi indesiderati. In caso di emergenza, contattare immediatamente un operatore sanitario
Non superare la dose raccomandata.
Questo prodotto è un integratore alimentare e non deve essere utilizzato come sostituto di una dieta variata e/o di uno stile di vita sano

Ingredients: Organic cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil, Carbon60, Serratiopeptidase, Carnosine

LivePet, LLC’s proprietary process allows us to bind cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil yielding a staturation level, resulting into lipofullerene product at least 1.2mg per ml.

Ingrediënten: Biologische koudgeperste extra vierge olijfolie, Carbon60, Serratiopeptidase, Carnosine

LivePet, LLC's gepatenteerde proces stelt ons in staat om koudgeperste extra vierge olijfolie te binden die een staturatieniveau oplevert, wat resulteert in lipofullerene-product van ten minste 1,2 mg per ml.

Zutaten: Kaltgepresstes Olivenöl extra vergine, Carbon60, Serratiopeptidase, Carnosin

Das proprietäre Verfahren von LivePet, LLC ermöglicht es uns, kaltgepresstes natives Olivenöl extra zu binden, das einen Sättigungsgrad ergibt, was zu einem Lipofulleren-Produkt von mindestens 1,2 mg pro ml führt.

Ingrédients: Huile d’olive extra vierge biologique pressée à froid, Carbon60, Serratiopeptidase, Carnosine

Le procédé exclusif de LivePet, LLC nous permet de lier l’huile d’olive extra vierge pressée à froid en produisant un niveau de staturation, ce qui donne un produit lipofullérène d’au moins 1,2 mg par ml.

Ingredientes: Aceite de oliva virgen extra orgánico prensado en frío, Carbon60, Serratiopeptidasa, Carnosina

El proceso patentado de LivePet, LLC nos permite unir aceite de oliva virgen extra prensado en frío produciendo un nivel de estoraturación, lo que resulta en un producto de lipofullereno de al menos 1.2 mg por ml.

Ingredienti: Olio extra vergine di oliva biologico spremuto a freddo, Carbon60, Serratiopeptidasi, Carnosina

Il processo proprietario di LivePet, LLC ci consente di legare extra virgin l'olio d'oliva spremuto a freddo producendo un livello di staturazione, risultando in un prodotto lipofullerene di almeno 1,2 mg per ml.

Manufactured by:
C360 Health
700 SE Frank Phillips Blvd
Bartlesville, OK 74003

Imported by:
GBC Trading B.V. trading as Functional Self
151 Kingsfordweg
Amsterdam, 1043GU

FS Expert Review

C360 Health - Companion60 Extra Strength

5.0 / 5

BY: Blank Ferrigno

“Any animal that has a mobility difficulty will benefit from this lovely pet product. It has done miracles for my old golden retriver and my horse. By reducing the infammation in the joint or anywhere else in the body, the animals become much happier and enjoy life with more spring in their step.”

Brad Johnston founding partner of Functional Self

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