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True Dark

TrueDark® – Twilights Fitovers

True Dark

TrueDark® – Twilights Fitovers

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TrueDark®'s Twilights Fitovers are designed to fit over prescription glasses to reduce the exposure to blue light in the evening. 

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TrueDark® – Twilights Fitovers

Detailed product information

Stop Junk Light with TrueDark® Twilights technology that frees your hormones and neurotransmitters to do their best work. Block the harshest blue, violet and green sleep robbing wavelengths emitted by fluorescent lights, LEDs, electronics, phones, tablets and computers. Support your evening and night-time hormone levels. Improve overall sleep. Synchronize your circadian rhythm. The Twilights lenses are strategically designed based on research and technology that uses pure, durable, prescription grade polycarbonate lenses. This results in true clarity of light and consistent junk light coverage throughout the scratch-resistant lenses. Designed for wear over prescription glasses.

Stop Junk Light met TrueDark® Twilights-technologie die je hormonen en neurotransmitters bevrijdt om hun beste werk te doen. Blokkeer de zwaarste blauwe, violette en groene slaaproofgolflengtes die worden uitgezonden door fluorescerende lichten, LED's, elektronica, telefoons, tablets en computers. Ondersteun uw avond- en nachthormoonspiegels. Verbeter de algehele slaap. Synchroniseer je circadiane ritme. De Twilights lenzen zijn strategisch ontworpen op basis van onderzoek en technologie die gebruik maakt van pure, duurzame, voorgeschreven polycarbonaat lenzen. Dit resulteert in echte helderheid van licht en consistente junk light dekking in de krasbestendige lenzen. Ontworpen voor slijtage over een bril op sterkte.

Stoppen Sie Junk Light mit der TrueDark® Twilights-Technologie, die Ihre Hormone und Neurotransmitter freischnau, um ihre beste Arbeit zu leisten. Blockieren Sie die härtesten blauen, violetten und grünen Schlaf-Raubwellenlängen, die von Leuchtstofflampen, LEDs, Elektronik, Telefonen, Tablets und Computern emittiert werden. Unterstützen Sie Ihren abendlichen und nächtlichen Hormonspiegel. Verbessern Sie den allgemeinen Schlaf. Synchronisieren Sie Ihren circadianen Rhythmus. Die Twilights-Linsen sind strategisch auf der Grundlage von Forschung und Technologie konzipiert, die reine, langlebige Polycarbonat-Linsen in Korrektionsqualität verwendet. Dies führt zu echter Klarheit des Lichts und konsistenter Junk-Light-Abdeckung in den kratzfesten Linsen. Entwickelt für den Verschleiß über korrekten Brillen.

Arrêtez Junk Light avec la technologie TrueDark® Twilights qui libère vos hormones et vos neurotransmetteurs pour qu’ils fassent de leur mieux. Bloquez les longueurs d’onde bleues, violettes et vertes les plus dures émises par les lampes fluorescentes, les LED, les appareils électroniques, les téléphones, les tablettes et les ordinateurs. Soutenez vos niveaux d’hormones du soir et de la nuit. Améliorer le sommeil global. Synchronisez votre rythme circadien. Les lentilles Twilights sont stratégiquement conçues sur la base de la recherche et de la technologie qui utilise des lentilles en polycarbonate pures, durables et de qualité prescription. Il en résulte une véritable clarté de la lumière et une couverture constante de la lumière indésirable dans l’ensemble des lentilles résistantes aux rayures. Conçu pour être porté sur des lunettes de prescription.

Detenga la luz basura con la tecnología TrueDark® Twilights que libera sus hormonas y neurotransmisores para hacer su mejor trabajo. Bloquee las longitudes de onda de robo de sueño azul, violeta y verde más duras emitidas por luces fluorescentes, LED, dispositivos electrónicos, teléfonos, tabletas y computadoras. Apoye sus niveles hormonales nocturnos y nocturnos. Mejorar el sueño en general. Sincroniza tu ritmo circadiano. Las lentes Twilights están diseñadas estratégicamente en base a la investigación y la tecnología que utiliza lentes de policarbonato puras, duraderas y de grado recetado. Esto da como resultado una verdadera claridad de la luz y una cobertura constante de luz basura en todas las lentes resistentes a los arañazos. Diseñado para el uso sobre gafas graduadas.

Stop Junk Light con TrueDark® tecnologia Twilights che libera i tuoi ormoni e neurotrasmettitori per fare il loro miglior lavoro. Blocca le più dure lunghezze d'onda blu, viola e verdi che rubano il sonno emesse da luci fluorescenti, LED, elettronica, telefoni, tablet e computer. Supporta i tuoi livelli ormonali serali e notturni. Migliora il sonno generale. Sincronizza il tuo ritmo circadiano. Le lenti Twilights sono progettate strategicamente sulla base della ricerca e della tecnologia che utilizza lenti in policarbonato puro, resistente e di grado da prescrizione. Ciò si traduce in una vera chiarezza della luce e una copertura costante della luce spazzatura in tutte le lenti resistenti ai graffi. Progettato per l'usura sopra gli occhiali da vista.

For evening indoor use 

Anti-reflective coating on lenses 

Strong and lightweight polycarbonate frame 

Microfiber lens cleaning cloth 


Wrap around styling engineered to fit comfortably over most prescription glasses for maximum coverage 

Polarized (reduces glare) red lenses 

Blue light blocking 

Strong, scratch-resistant polycarbonate lenses 

Blocks 98% of blue and green light 

Truedark® red lensed eyewear tells your body it’s dark, helping you get ready for a great night’s sleep. You can still see to read, watch TV or work on your computer/tablet/phone, while your sleep hormones shift to night mode. When your head hits the pillow, you’ll fall asleep quickly and sleep more deeply. Twilights glasses are also great for managing time-zone shifts, such as when traveling. Another great use is for people (such as new moms) who get up in the middle of the night and need to get back to sleep quickly. For those who live in far northern climates where it’s light well into the night, Twilights glasses can provide “early darkness” for better summertime sleep. TrueDark is designed to be worn 30 minutes to 2 hours before going to bed or wanting to sleep. 98% of blue, green and violet wavelengths are blocked. Choose TrueDark red lensed Twilights if you are still active around your home before bedtime (so you can see the dog or cat instead of tripping over them). 

Combined with daytime use of TrueDark Daylights glasses, you’ll experience 24-hour protection from junk light. 

When the sun goes down, blue light isn’t the only junk light that can disrupt our sleep cycle, and more than blue blockers are needed. TrueDark® Twilights is the first and only solution that is designed to work with melanopsin, a protein in your eyes responsible for absorbing light and sending sleep/wake signals to your brain. Without melanopsin, melatonin can’t be accessed. 

When you wear your Twilights for as little as 30 min before bed you prevent your melanopsin from detecting the wrong wavelengths of light at the wrong time of day. This supports your circadian rhythm and helps you fall asleep faster and get more restorative and restful sleep. 

Stop Junk Light with TrueDark® Twilights technology that frees your hormones and neurotransmitters to do their best work. 

Block the harshest blue, violet and green sleep robbing wavelengths emitted by fluorescent lights, LEDs, electronics, phones, tablets and computers. 

Support your evening and night-time hormone levels 

Improve overall sleep 

Synchronize your circadian rhythm 

The Twilights lenses are strategically designed based on research and technology that uses pure, durable, prescription grade polycarbonate lenses. This results in true clarity of light and consistent junk light coverage throughout the scratch resistant lenses. 

Aanbevolen gebruik: TrueDark is ontworpen om 30 minuten tot 2 uur voor het slapengaan te worden gedragen of te willen slapen. In combinatie met het gebruik van TrueDark Daylights-brillen overdag, ervaar je 24-uurs bescherming tegen junklicht.

Empfohlene Anwendung: TrueDark ist so konzipiert, dass es 30 Minuten bis 2 Stunden vor dem Schlafengehen oder Schlafen getragen werden kann. In Kombination mit der tagsüber verwendeten TrueDark Daylights-Brille erleben Sie 24-Stunden-Schutz vor Junk-Light.

Utilisation suggérée: TrueDark est conçu pour être porté 30 minutes à 2 heures avant d’aller au lit ou de vouloir dormir. Combiné à l’utilisation diurne des lunettes TrueDark Daylights, vous bénéficierez d’une protection 24 heures sur 24 contre la lumière indésirable.

Uso sugerido: TrueDark está diseñado para usarse de 30 minutos a 2 horas antes de acostarse o querer dormir. Combinado con el uso diurno de las gafas TrueDark Daylights, experimentará protección las 24 horas contra la luz basura.

Raccomandazioni d'uso: TrueDark è progettato per essere indossato da 30 minuti a 2 ore prima di andare a letto o di voler dormire. In combinazione con l'uso diurno degli occhiali TrueDark Daylights, sperimenterai una protezione 24 ore su 24 dalla luce spazzatura.

Important note: Do not drive or operate heavy machinery while wearing. Avoid driving, using heavy machinery or other actions that may be impacted by becoming tired, a change in depth perception or changes on the color spectrum.

Belangrijke opmerking: Bestuur geen zware machines tijdens het dragen. Vermijd autorijden, het gebruik van zware machines of andere acties die kunnen worden beïnvloed door vermoeidheid, een verandering in diepteperceptie of veranderingen in het kleurenspectrum.

Wichtiger Hinweis: Fahren sie während des Tragens keine schweren Maschinen und bedienen Sie sie nicht. Vermeiden Sie das Fahren, die Verwendung schwerer Maschinen oder andere Handlungen, die durch Müdigkeit, eine Veränderung der Tiefenwahrnehmung oder Veränderungen des Farbspektrums beeinträchtigt werden können.

Remarque importante : Ne conduisez pas et n’utilisez pas de machinerie lourde pendant le port. Évitez de conduire, d’utiliser de la machinerie lourde ou d’autres actions qui peuvent être affectées par la fatigue, un changement de perception de la profondeur ou des changements sur le spectre des couleurs.

Nota importante: No conduzca ni opere maquinaria pesada mientras la usa. Evite conducir, usar maquinaria pesada u otras acciones que puedan verse afectadas por el cansancio, un cambio en la percepción de profundidad o cambios en el espectro de color.

Nota importante: non guidare o utilizzare macchinari pesanti durante l'usura. Evitare di guidare, utilizzare macchinari pesanti o altre azioni che possono essere influenzate dalla stanchezza, da un cambiamento nella percezione della profondità o da cambiamenti nello spettro dei colori.

Brad Johnston founding partner of Functional Self

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