Hello, wellness seekers! 

You've likely heard the phrase, 'You are what you eat.' But have you ever considered the saying, 'Your health is as good as your oral hygiene?' At Functional Self, we believe in the comprehensive integration of wellness – every aspect of our health is intertwined, including dental health. 

Now, don't go 'brushing' this off just yet! (See what we did there?) Your dental health is far more important than merely flashing that sparkling, award-winning smile. It plays a fundamental role in your overall health. Today, we're delighted to provide you with a deep dive into the world of dental health and share how two of our favourite products, Dr Hisham's Dental Pack and Dr Hisham's Vital Mints, can help elevate your oral care regimen. 

The Mouth-Body Connection: More Than Mere Chatter 

Did you know that your oral health provides clues about your overall health or that oral problems can affect the rest of your body? The truth is that your mouth is teeming with bacteria — most of them harmless. With good oral hygiene, like regular and thorough brushing and flossing, you can keep these bacteria under control. However, without proper care, these bacteria can reach levels that might lead to oral infections such as tooth decay and gum disease. [1] 

Moreover, your mouth is the entry point to your digestive and respiratory tracts, and some of these bacteria can cause disease [1]. Studies suggest that oral bacteria and inflammation associated with periodontitis — a severe form of gum disease — might play a role in some diseases. [2] Furthermore, certain diseases such as diabetes and HIV/AIDS can lower your body's resistance to infection, making oral health issues more severe. 

A Brush With Illness 

Several studies have linked oral health issues to various diseases and conditions. These include: 

• Cardiovascular disease: Some research suggests that heart disease, clogged arteries, and stroke might be linked to inflammation and infections caused by oral bacteria. [3] 

• Pregnancy and birth complications: Gum disease is linked to premature birth and low birth weight. [4] 

• Alzheimer's disease: Tooth loss before age 35 might be a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease. [5] 

Aren't you just 'floored' by these facts? We certainly were! Now, onto the solutions. 

Functional Self’s Approach To Dental Health 

Functional Self is dedicated to helping you achieve optimal health through a holistic approach. That's why we're thrilled to present you with some of the best oral care products on the market: Dr Hisham's  Holistic Oral Care System.

Let's explore these products, shall we? 

Dr Hisham's

Dr Hisham's is an all-natural dental system designed to improve oral health and potentially contribute to better general health. It combines Dr Hisham's Alkaline Mouth Rinse, Vital Mints, Alkaline Teeth Serum and Toothbrush to create a powerful, balanced, bioactive, and biocompatible oral care system. Dr Hisham's can help you maintain a balanced oral microbiome, neutralise mouth acids, control oral inflammation, and eliminate bad breath. This power duo is free from toxic ingredients typically found in conventional oral care products. 

Dr Hisham's Vital Mints 

If you're ready to revolutionise your oral health care routine, Dr Hisham's Vital Mints are the perfect choice. These bioactive mints are designed to stimulate saliva flow, balance mouth pH, neutralise acids, and support healthy gut flora. They are free from sugar, aspartame, and artificial flavours. Plus, they're perfect for freshening up your breath on the go! 

To Conclude: Healthy Mouth, Healthy You 

As we've explored, dental health is far from being a mere aesthetic concern. It plays a vital role in our general health and well-being, acting as a window into the health of our bodies. Ignoring your oral health can lead to more than just toothache; it might open the door to all sorts of health problems. 

Are you ready to take control of your dental health and, by extension, your overall well-being? Brilliant! 

Until next time, keep smiling and remain functional! 

[1] Oral health: A window to your overall health 
[2] Periodontal diseases 
[3] Periodontal disease and atherosclerotic vascular disease: does the evidence support an independent association?: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association 
[4] Progressive periodontal disease and risk of very preterm delivery 
[5] Tooth loss, dementia and neuropathology in the nun study