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Dr Hishams

Dr Hisham's - Alkaline Mouth Rinse

Dr Hishams

Dr Hisham's - Alkaline Mouth Rinse

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Dr Hisham's Alkaline Mouth Rinse is packed with 100% natural, physiologically active and biofunctional ingredients. It actively fights plaque, inflammation, and decay-causing bacteria, ensuring your mouth maintains a healthy environment. By balancing your oral microbiome and pH, it safeguards against dental decay and tooth erosion, leading to overall improved oral health. 

  • Freshens breath. Its unique formulation helps suppress bad bacteria that are often the root cause of bad breath, leaving your mouth feeling clean and fresh.
  • Natural teeth whitening. Naturally repels organic stains, thereby whitening your teeth safely and effectively, without the use of harsh chemicals or bleaching agents.
  • Promotes optimal oral health. Provides an all-round solution for oral health. It utilises 100% natural, physiologically active, and biofunctional ingredients to effectively combat bacteria causing decay and inflammation.
  • Free from harmful additives. Dr Hisham’s Alkaline Mouth Rinse is free from potentially harmful substances like alcohol, acids, detergents, benzenes, gluten, animal products, sugar, saccharine, and aspartame.
  • Safe for the whole family.It's safe to use and ingest during regular oral cleaning, making it an integral part of your family's daily oral care.



Ingredient Benefits


Dr Hisham’s Alkaline Mouth Rinse ingredients are 100% natural and free from artificial additives.

Supresses Bad Bacteria

The combination of ingredients in this alkaline rinse aim to reduce bad bacteria and balance your mouth’s microbiome.

Naturally Whitens Teeth

Dr Hisham’s Alkaline Mouth Rinse aims to whiten teeth without harmful, artificial chemicals.

Tooth-decay and Cavity Prevention

As the mouth rinse aims to suppress bad bacteria, it can help to prevent tooth-decay and cavities.

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Dr Hisham's - Alkaline Mouth Rinse

Detailed product information

Dr. Hisham's Alkaline Mouth Rinse is a groundbreaking achievement in oral care. As the first of its kind worldwide, this dentist-crafted rinse harnesses the potency of physiologically active, biofunctional, and entirely natural ingredients. Its dynamic action refreshes your breath, while also repelling organic stains, facilitating the natural whitening of your teeth. It performs a crucial role in combating plaque, reducing inflammation, and neutralising decay-causing bacteria safely and naturally.

Backed by clinical evidence, this innovative mouth rinse proves effective in suppressing harmful bacteria, fostering an overall healthier oral environment. Its unique composition promotes balance within your oral microbiome and pH, a critical factor in preventing a range of oral health issues, including bad breath, inflammation, dry mouth, dental decay, and tooth erosion.

The dedication to holistic health and wellbeing is further emphasized in its formulation. As a guarantee of its purity and safety, Dr. Hisham's Alkaline Mouth Rinse is completely free from potentially harmful additives—no alcohol, acids, detergents, benzenes, gluten, animal products, sugar, saccharine, or aspartame. In essence, this product embodies a blend of science and nature, providing comprehensive, safe, and effective oral care.

Dr Hisham's Alkaline Mouth Rinse helpt tandbederf en gaatjes te voorkomen, terwijl plaquebiofilm actief wordt gereinigd en afgebroken. Verfris actief uw adem, stoot organische vlekken af om tanden op natuurlijke wijze witter te maken en bestrijdt tandplak, ontstekingen en verval waardoor bacteriën op natuurlijke wijze en veilig ontstaan. Dr Hisham's Alkaline Mouth Rinse is 's werelds 1e door tandarts gemaakte holistische mix van fysiologisch actieve, biofunctionele en 100% natuurlijke ingrediënten. Het is klinisch bewezen dat het helpt bij het onderdrukken van slechte bacteriën, het bevorderen van een gezonde mondgezondheid en het in evenwicht brengen van uw orale microbioom en pH. Dit helpt slechte adem, ontsteking, droge mond, tandbederf en tanderosie te voorkomen.

Geen badditives - gegarandeerd vrij van alcohol, zuren, detergenten, benzeen, gluten, dierlijke producten, suiker, sacharine of aspartaam. Veilig voor het hele gezin. Veilig in te nemen bij normale orale reinigingsactiviteiten en hoeveelheden.

Dr. Hisham's Alkaline Mouth Rinse hilft, Karies und Karies zu verhindern, während es aktiv Plaque-Biofilm reinigt und abbaut. Frischt aktiv Ihren Atem auf, weist organische Flecken ab, um die Zähne auf natürliche Weise aufzuhellen und bekämpft Plaque, Entzündungen und Karies, die Bakterien auf natürliche und sichere Weise verursachen. Dr. Hisham's Alkaline Mouth Rinse ist die weltweit 1. ganzheitliche Mischung aus physiologisch aktiven, biofunktionellen und 100% natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen. Es ist klinisch erwiesen, dass es hilft, schlechte Bakterien zu unterdrücken, eine gesunde Mundgesundheit zu fördern und Ihr orales Mikrobiom und Ihren pH-Wert auszugleichen. Dies hilft, Mundgeruch, Entzündungen, Mundtrockenheit, Karies und Zahnerosion zu verhindern.

Keine Badditive - garantiert frei von Alkohol, Säuren, Reinigungsmitteln, Benzolen, Gluten, tierischen Produkten, Zucker, Saccharin oder Aspartam. Sicher für die ganze Familie. Sicher in der Einnahme in normalen oralen Reinigungsaktivitäten und Mengen.

Le rince-bouche alcalin du Dr Hisham aide à prévenir la carie dentaire et les caries, tout en nettoyant et en décomposant activement le biofilm de la plaque. Rafraîchit activement votre haleine, repousse les taches organiques pour blanchir naturellement les dents et combat la plaque, l’inflammation et la carie causant des bactéries naturellement et en toute sécurité. Le rince-bouche alcalin dr Hisham est le 1er mélange holistique au monde d’ingrédients physiologiquement actifs, biofonctionnels et 100% naturels fabriqué par un dentiste. Il est cliniquement prouvé qu’il aide à supprimer les mauvaises bactéries, à promouvoir une santé bucco-dentaire saine et à équilibrer votre microbiome buccal et votre pH. Cela aide à prévenir la mauvaise haleine, l’inflammation, la bouche sèche, la carie dentaire et l’érosion dentaire.

Pas de badditives - garanti sans alcool, acides, détergents, benzènes, gluten, produits animaux, sucre, saccharine ou aspartame. Sûr pour toute la famille. Sûr à ingérer dans les activités de nettoyage oral normales et les quantités.

El enjuague bucal alcalino del Dr. Hisham ayuda a prevenir la caries dental y las caries, al tiempo que limpia y descompone activamente la biopelícula de la placa. Refresca activamente su aliento, repele las manchas orgánicas para blanquear naturalmente los dientes y combate la placa, la inflamación y las caries que causan bacterias de forma natural y segura. El enjuague bucal alcalino del Dr. Hisham es la primera mezcla holística hecha por el dentista del mundo de ingredientes fisiológicamente activos, biofuncionales y 100% naturales. Está clínicamente comprobado que ayuda a suprimir las bacterias malas, promover la salud oral saludable y equilibrar el microbioma oral y el pH. Esto ayuda a prevenir el mal aliento, la inflamación, la boca seca, la caries dental y la erosión dental.

Sin malos aditivos: garantizado libre de alcohol, ácidos, detergentes, bencenos, gluten, productos animales, azúcar, sacarina o aspartamo. Seguro para toda la familia. Seguro para ingerir en actividades y cantidades normales de limpieza oral.

Il risciacquo alcalino della bocca del dottor Hisham aiuta a prevenire la carie e la carie, mentre pulisce e abbatte attivamente il biofilm della placca. Rinfresca attivamente l'alito, respinge le macchie organiche per sbiancare naturalmente i denti e combatte la placca, l'infiammazione e la carie che causano batteri in modo naturale e sicuro. Il risciacquo della bocca alcalino del dr Hisham è la 1a miscela olistica al mondo di ingredienti fisiologicamente attivi, biofunzionali e naturali al 100%. È clinicamente testato per aiutare a sopprimere i batteri cattivi, promuovere una sana salute orale e bilanciare il microbioma orale e il pH. Questo aiuta a prevenire l'alito cattivo, l'infiammazione, la secchezza delle fauci, la carie e l'erosione dei denti.

Nessun badditives - garantito privo di alcool, acidi, detergenti, benzeni, glutine, prodotti animali, zucchero, saccarina o aspartame. Sicuro per tutta la famiglia. Sicuro da ingerire nelle normali attività e quantità di pulizia orale.

Suggested use: Use the Alkaline Mouth rinse before brushing every-time.

Storage: Store in cool dry place. Use within 3 months of opening.

Aanbevolen gebruik: Gebruik de Alkaline Mouth rinse voordat u elke keer poetst.

Opslag: Bewaren op een koele, droge plaats. Gebruik binnen 3 maanden na opening.

Empfohlene Anwendung: Verwenden Sie die alkalische Mundspülung vor dem Bürsten jedes Mal.

Lagerung: An einem kühlen, trockenen Ort aufbewahren. Innerhalb von 3 Monaten nach dem Öffnen verwenden.

Utilisation suggérée: Utilisez le rince-bouche alcalin avant de vous brosser les dents à chaque fois.

Stockage: Conserver dans un endroit frais et sec. Utiliser dans les 3 mois suivant l’ouverture.

Uso sugerido: Use el enjuague bucal alcalino antes de cepillarse cada vez.

Almacenamiento: Almacenar en un lugar fresco y seco. Use dentro de los 3 meses posteriores a la apertura.

Consigli per l'uso: Utilizzare il risciacquo alcalino prima di spazzolare ogni volta.

Conservazione: Conservare in luogo fresco e asciutto. Utilizzare entro 3 mesi dall'apertura.

Ozonated Aqua, Finnish Birch Xylitol, Sodium Chlorite, Sodium Bicarbonate, Zinc Citrate, Menthol.

Store in cool dry place. Use within 3 months of opening.

  • No abrasives or toxins
  • No alcohol or irritants
  • No SLS or detergents
  • No fluoride
  • No parabens
  • No petrochemicals
  • No plastic microbeads
  • No Triclosan
  • No Titanium Dioxide
  • No animal testing or by-products
  • No gluten, sugar, saccharin or aspartame

Ingrediënten: Ozonated Aqua, Finse Berk Xylitol, Natriumchloriet, Natriumbicarbonaat, Zinkcitraat, Menthol.

Zutaten: Ozonisiertes Aqua, finnisches Birkenxylitol, Natriumchlorit, Natriumbicarbonat, Zinkcitrat, Menthol.

Ingrédients: Ozonated Aqua, xylitol de bouleau finlandais, chlorite de sodium, bicarbonate de sodium, citrate de zinc, menthol.

Ingredientes: Agua Ozonizada, Xilitol de Abedul Finlandés, Clorito de Sodio, Bicarbonato de Sodio, Citrato de Zinc, Mentol.

Ingredienti: Acqua ozonizzata, Xilitolo di betulla finlandese, Clorito di sodio, Bicarbonato di sodio, Citrato di zinco, Mentolo.

Manufactured by:
Ozospa New Zealand Limited
9B Earl Drive,
Katikati, Bay of Plenty

Imported by:
GBC Trading B.V. trading as Functional Self
151 Kingsfordweg
Amsterdam, 1043GU

Brad Johnston founding partner of Functional Self

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