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Raw Nature

Raw Nature - Natural Deodorant - Orange Black Pepper

Raw Nature

Raw Nature - Natural Deodorant - Orange Black Pepper

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The natural, eco-friendly deodorant that does its job.

  • Aluminium-free to help fight odour without blocking sweat glands.
  • Key ingredients include coconut oil, magnesium hydroxide, tapioca powder, New Zealand Mānuka Oil.
  • Comes in 5 different scents, including a unisex scent and one for sensitive skin.


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Raw Nature - Natural Deodorant - Orange Black Pepper

Detailed product information

Stay confident and fresh all day long with this aluminium-free natural deodorant. It's powerful key ingredients work to prevent odour and reduce sweating.

Key ingredients:

  • Coconut Oil is a powerful moisturiser with antifungal benefits which also strengthens the skin barrier. [1] Helping the deodorant to glide on the skin.
  • Magnesium Hydroxide keeps odour at bay by gently altering the pH levels on the skin preventing bacteria growth. [2]
  • Tapioca Powder absorbs up to 150% of its own weight in sweat and oil.
  • NZ Mānuka Oil inhibits the growth of bacteria on the skin that causes body odour. [3]

This deodorant is not an antiperspirant - it contains no aluminium and won't block your sweat glands.

Available in 5 scents:

  • Geranium Lime Coconut

Scented with geranium, lime and a hint of vanilla.

  • Spearmint Peppermint Coconut

Award winning. This deodorant is long-lasting and it can have a slight cooling effect in the armpits, which is great for those who work out or are heavy sweaters.

  • Vanilla Coconut (Sensitive Skin)

Award winning. Aluminium-free, baking-soda free sensitive skin natural deodorant. Scented with soft vanilla.

  • Cedarwood Rosemary Coconut (unisex)

Scented with cedarwood, rosemary and lavender. Raw Nature’s most popular unisex deodorant.

  • Rose Jasmine Coconut

Award winning. Scented with rose and jasmine. A modern floral deodorant that smells like fresh cut roses.

[1] Treatment of Dermal Infections With Topical Coconut Oil
[2] Controlling the Antimicrobial Action of Surface Modified Magnesium Hydroxide Nanoparticles
[3] Mānuka Oil—A Review of Antimicrobial and Other Medicinal Properties

Blijf de hele dag zelfverzekerd en fris met deze aluminiumvrije natuurlijke deodorant. De krachtige hoofdingrediënten werken om geur te voorkomen en zweten te verminderen.

Belangrijkste ingrediënten:
Kokosolie is een krachtige vochtinbrengende crème met antischimmelvoordelen die ook de huidbarrière versterkt. De deodorant helpen glijden op de huid.

Magnesiumhydroxide houdt geur op afstand door de pH-waarden op de huid voorzichtig te veranderen, waardoor bacteriegroei wordt voorkomen.

Tapioca Poeder absorbeert tot 150% van zijn eigen gewicht in zweet en olie.

NZ Mānuka Olie remt de groei van bacteriën op de huid die lichaamsgeur veroorzaken.

Deze deodorant is geen anti-transpirant - het bevat geen aluminium en blokkeert je zweetklieren niet.

Verkrijgbaar in 5 geuren:

Geranium Limoen Kokosnoot

Geparfumeerd met geranium, limoen en een vleugje vanille.

Spearmint Pepermunt Kokosnoot

Bekroonde. Deze deodorant gaat lang mee en kan een licht verkoelend effect hebben in de oksels, wat geweldig is voor degenen die sporten of zware truien zijn.

Vanille Kokosnoot (Gevoelige Huid)

Bekroonde. Aluminiumvrije, zuiveringszoutvrije natuurlijke deodorant voor de gevoelige huid. Geparfumeerd met zachte vanille.

Cederhout Rozemarijn Kokosnoot (unisex)

Geparfumeerd met cederhout, rozemarijn en lavendel. Raw Nature's populairste unisex deodorant.

Rose Jasmijn Kokosnoot

Bekroonde. Geparfumeerd met roos en jasmijn. Een moderne bloemendeodorant die ruikt naar vers gesneden rozen.

Bleiben Sie den ganzen Tag über selbstbewusst und frisch mit diesem aluminiumfreien natürlichen Deodorant. Seine leistungsstarken Hauptbestandteile verhindern Gerüche und reduzieren das Schwitzen.


Kokosöl ist eine starke Feuchtigkeitscreme mit antimykotischen Vorteilen, die auch die Hautbarriere stärkt. Hilft dem Deodorant, auf der Haut zu gleiten.

Magnesiumhydroxid hält den Geruch in Schach, indem es den pH-Wert auf der Haut sanft verändert und das Wachstum von Bakterien verhindert.

Tapioka Powder absorbiert bis zu 150% seines Eigengewichts in Schweiß und Öl.

NZ Mānuka Öl hemmt das Wachstum von Bakterien auf der Haut, die Körpergeruch verursachen.

Dieses Deodorant ist kein Antitranspirant - es enthält kein Aluminium und blockiert Ihre Schweißdrüsen nicht.

Erhältlich in 5 Düften:

Geranienlimette Kokosnuss

Duftet nach Geranie, Limette und einem Hauch Vanille.

Minze Pfefferminze Kokosnuss

Preisgekrönt. Dieses Deo ist langlebig und kann einen leichten kühlenden Effekt in den Achselhöhlen haben, was ideal für diejenigen ist, die trainieren oder schwere Pullover sind.

Vanille-Kokosnuss (empfindliche Haut)

Preisgekrönt. Aluminiumfreies, backpulverfreies natürliches Deodorant für empfindliche Haut. Duftend mit weicher Vanille.

Zedernholz Rosmarin Kokosnuss (unisex)

Duftend mit Zedernholz, Rosmarin und Lavendel. Raw Nature's beliebtestes Unisex-Deodorant.

Rose Jasmin Kokosnuss

Preisgekrönt. Duftet nach Rose und Jasmin. Ein modernes florales Deo, das nach frisch geschnittenen Rosen riecht.

Restez confiant et frais toute la journée avec ce déodorant naturel sans aluminium. Ses ingrédients clés puissants agissent pour prévenir les odeurs et réduire la transpiration.

Ingrédients clés:

L’huile de coco est un hydratant puissant avec des avantages antifongiques qui renforce également la barrière cutanée. Aider le déodorant à glisser sur la peau.

L’hydroxyde de magnésium maintient l’odeur à distance en modifiant doucement les niveaux de pH sur la peau empêchant la croissance des bactéries.

Tapioca Powder absorbe jusqu’à 150% de son propre poids en sueur et en huile.

L’huile de Mānuka NZ inhibe la croissance des bactéries sur la peau qui provoquent une odeur corporelle.

Ce déodorant n’est pas un antisudorifique - il ne contient pas d’aluminium et ne bloquera pas vos glandes sudoripares.

Disponible en 5 parfums:

Géranium Lime Noix de Coco

Parfumé au géranium, au citron vert et à une pointe de vanille.

Menthe verte Menthe poivrée Noix de coco

Primé. Ce déodorant est durable et peut avoir un léger effet rafraîchissant dans les aisselles, ce qui est idéal pour ceux qui s’entraînent ou qui sont des pulls lourds.

Vanille Noix de Coco (Peau Sensible)

Primé. Déodorant naturel pour peaux sensibles sans aluminium, sans bicarbonate de soude. Parfumé à la vanille douce.

Noix de coco romarin cèdre (unisexe)

Parfumé au bois de cèdre, au romarin et à la lavande. Le déodorant unisexe le plus populaire de Raw Nature.

Rose Jasmin Noix de Coco

Primé. Parfumé à la rose et au jasmin. Un déodorant floral moderne qui sent les roses fraîchement coupées.

Manténgase seguro y fresco durante todo el día con este desodorante natural sin aluminio. Sus poderosos ingredientes clave trabajan para prevenir el olor y reducir la sudoración.

Ingredientes clave:

El aceite de coco es un poderoso humectante con beneficios antifúngicos que también fortalece la barrera de la piel. Ayudando a que el desodorante se deslice sobre la piel.

El hidróxido de magnesio mantiene el olor a raya al alterar suavemente los niveles de pH en la piel evitando el crecimiento de bacterias.

Tapioca Powder absorbe hasta el 150% de su propio peso en sudor y aceite.

El aceite de Mānuka de Nueva Zelanda inhibe el crecimiento de bacterias en la piel que causan olor corporal.

Este desodorante no es un antitranspirante, no contiene aluminio y no bloqueará las glándulas sudoríparas.

Disponible en 5 aromas:

Geranio Lima Coco

Perfumado con geranio, lima y un toque de vainilla.

Menta verde Menta Coco

Galardonado. Este desodorante es duradero y puede tener un ligero efecto refrescante en las axilas, lo cual es ideal para aquellos que hacen ejercicio o son suéteres pesados.

Coco Vainilla (Piel Sensible)

Galardonado. Desodorante natural para pieles sensibles sin aluminio y sin bicarbonato de sodio. Perfumado con vainilla suave.

Cedro Romero Coco (unisex)

Perfumado con madera de cedro, romero y lavanda. El desodorante unisex más popular de Raw Nature.

Rosa Jazmín Coco

Galardonado. Perfumado con rosa y jazmín. Un desodorante floral moderno que huele a rosas recién cortadas.

Rimani sicuro e fresco tutto il giorno con questo deodorante naturale senza alluminio. I suoi potenti ingredienti chiave lavorano per prevenire l'odore e ridurre la sudorazione.

Ingredienti chiave:

L'olio di cocco è una potente crema idratante con benefici antifungini che rafforza anche la barriera cutanea. Aiutare il deodorante a scivolare sulla pelle.

L'idrossido di magnesio tiene a bada l'odore alterando delicatamente i livelli di pH sulla pelle impedendo la crescita dei batteri.

Tapioca Powder assorbe fino al 150% del proprio peso in sudore e olio.

NZ Mānuka Oil inibisce la crescita di batteri sulla pelle che causa l'odore del corpo.

Questo deodorante non è un antitraspirante - non contiene alluminio e non bloccherà le ghiandole sudoripare.

Disponibile in 5 profumi:

Geranio Lime Cocco

Profumato con geranio, lime e un pizzico di vaniglia.

Menta verde Menta piperita Cocco

Premiato. Questo deodorante è di lunga durata e può avere un leggero effetto rinfrescante sotto le ascelle, il che è ottimo per coloro che si allenano o sono maglioni pesanti.

Vaniglia Cocco (Pelle Sensibile)

Premiato. Deodorante naturale per pelli sensibili senza alluminio e senza bicarbonato di sodio. Profumato con morbida vaniglia.

Legno di Cedro Rosmarino Cocco (unisex)

Profumato con legno di cedro, rosmarino e lavanda. Il deodorante unisex più popolare di Raw Nature.

Rosa Gelsomino Cocco

Premiato. Profumato di rosa e gelsomino. Un moderno deodorante floreale che profuma di rose fresche tagliate.

Push up a small amount from the bottom of the tube and apply to each underarm. A little goes a long way.

Pro tip: If the deodorant is hard to push up, roll it on a hard surface then tip the tube upside down with the lid on and push with both thumbs to release it from the sides.

Keep out of reach of children.

If you are undergoing treatment for a medical condition or if you are pregnant or lactating, please consult your medical practitioner first.

  • Geranium Lime Coconut
    Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Oil; Euphorbia Cerifera Cera (Candelilla); Organic tapioca Starch; Magnesium Hydroxide; Sodium Bicarbonate; Pelargonium Graveolens Flower (Rose Geranium) Oil; Citrus Aurantifolia (Lime) Oil; Leptospermum Scoparium Branch/Leaf (NZ Mānuka) Oil
  • Spearmint Peppermint Coconut
    Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Oil; Euphorbia Cerifera Cera (Candelilla); Organic tapioca Starch; Magnesium Hydroxide; Sodium Bicarbonate; Mentha Spicata Herb (Spearmint) Oil; Mentha X Piperita Leaf(Peppermint) Oil; Leptospermum Scoparium Branch/Leaf (NZ Mānuka) Oil
  • Vanilla Coconut (Sensitive Skin)
    Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Oil; Euphorbia Cerifera Cera (Candelilla); Organic tapioca Starch; Magnesium Hydroxide; Natural Vanilla Oil; Leptospermum Scoparium Branch/Leaf (NZ Mānuka)
  • Cedarwood Rosemary Coconut
    Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Oil; Euphorbia Cerifera Cera (candelilla); Organic tapioca Starch; Magnesium Hydroxide; Sodium Bicarbonate; Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Oil; Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Oil; Cedrus Atlantica Bark (Cedar) Oil; Leptospermum Scoparium Branch/Leaf (NZ Mānuka) Oil
  • Rose Jasmine Coconut
    Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Oil; Euphorbia Cerifera Cera (Candelilla); Organic tapioca Starch; Magnesium Hydroxide; Sodium Bicarbonate; Pelargonium Graveolens Flower (Rose Geranium) Oil; Jasminum Officinale (Jasmine) ; Leptospermum Scoparium Branch/Leaf (NZ Mānuka)

Made in New Zealand from local and imported ingredients.
No palm oil.
These ingredient lists can be subject to change, customers should refer to the product packaging for the most up-to-date ingredient list.
If irritation occurs please discontinue use and contact us.

Free from aluminium | SLS | PEG | parabens | phthalates | artificial fragrance |  palm oil | plastic


FS Expert Review

Raw Nature - Natural Deodorant

5.0 / 5

BY: Warren Turner, Founder FS

“Raw Nature is awesome - every other natural deodorant I have tried to date has either been crumbly or ineffective. The fragrances are amazing and the product works. It’s awesome that the packaging contains no plastic.”


Your questions answered

If the deodorant is hard to push up or stuck and won't budge try these following steps:

1. With the lid on roll the deodorant on a hard surface, this should loosen the deodorant from the inner lining of the tube and be able to push up.

2. If the deodorant is particularly tricky to get out even after rolling it on a hard surface, tip the tube upside down with the lid on and push with both thumbs on the base of the tube to release it. It should work now.

In short, probably yes. Here is a brief rundown of what to expect if you have just given up your commercial antiperspirant.

Using a natural deodorant can take up to 4 weeks to be effective, especially if you have been using a commercial antiperspirant. This is how the transition phase usually works:

  • Week 1 - At first all goes well.
  • Week 2 - Armpit bacteria begins to change, you may notice armpit odour. Most people give up at this stage thinking it isn't working. But be patient.
  • Week 3 - Armpit bacteria begins to re-balance.
  • Week 4 - You should be fully adjusted now.
  • Each stage of the detox may vary depending on your body's chemistry and the different stages you are going through in your life, i.e. adolescence, pregnancy, diet etc.

    If you push up too much don't use your hand to push it back down just tap the bottom of the tube on a hard surface until it goes down to the size you want.

    No not at all – it’s just the magnesium powder coming to the surface. It will still be super effective.

    Raw Nature packaging is 100% biodegradable and home compostable, including their labels and shipping materials.

    Brad Johnston founding partner of Functional Self

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